Arriving home on a busy Friday after work. The wife decided that pizza for dinner sounded like a plan. After a great dinner it was time to head home, and check the mail. Waiting for a couple returns from football teams I've been getting excited as they should be coming in any day. Opening the box the blood got pumping as there they were. Two plain white envelopes with my name. Not thinking, but excited I didn't pay attention to the fact that neither had my handwriting. It wasn't until arriving at home and getting ready to open the first envelope I realized. Wondering what was inside as these were out of the blue I peeled into the first.
A great surprise that came with a note saying I thought you might like this, and signed by Larry. If you don't know who Larry is he's the great writer from the blog known as My 2008 Topps Set Blog. Its a must check blog as the two of us have some things in common. We both root for teams from the National League, West. Sadly my team finished in last while his finished second. Maybe next year we can both have our teams running for first. The second is we both love bobbleheads. Larry is trying to do a complete set of DiamondBacks while I take just about any that find their way to my house.
If you haven't seen the posts for his trips to DiamondBacks games they are a must. He's had some special trips to games this year that reading made me jealous of his luck. He's gotten to meet some of the players who have worn his teams jersey over the years. That is always cool no matter what the team you root for.
The second envelope came from Don who is a member of the Yahoo group TradingBases which I am a member of. Don dropped four cards from my all-time favorite player on me in Nolan Ryan.
If it's anything I love it's getting hit with a surprise of Nolan Ryan cards. You can never go wrong with Nolan Ryan, and Don proved that again. The one player in my collection that has never wavered from being a player I collect.
Thank you Larry, and Don for some great stuff.