Monday, October 26, 2015

I Should Be Forced To 'Bob Walk The Plank'

As you can tell from my last post it has been close to almost a full month since the last posting around here.  The reason for this absence is due to a couple reasons. The main one is right around the time we went on our guys weekend there started a series of things going on around here.

After returning I started getting myself in the mood to try, and get some of the long overdue projects around the house completed. These projects are cleaning the spare room, cleaning the living room to finish the painting, and scraping project, and try to get the hobby room in order. So far I keep taking a step forward, and a step backward in these projects. I've been doing fair in getting the spare room cleaned, but in doing so I move things into the hobby room, and it gets messy all over again.

The good news is the spare room is almost empty, and has been quite the chore. Normally it would have been easy except I'm in one of my ridding clutter moods so it has taken longer than usual. Its not often I get in these moods so when it happens I have to take advantage of it, and do things right. The bad news is I get sidetracked, and instead of just finishing the room I go into the hobby room, and go through things in there as well. Next up will be the main, and biggest portion of the work. Getting everything out of the living room so I can finish scraping the popcorn ceiling, and painting. All this will be done by Thanksgiving week at the latest, or I'm in big trouble. I have the week off, and vowed to the wife it would be done so she can get carpeting for the two rooms, and hallway. If it isn't done there will be no Christmas Tree, or decorations until it is completed.

What all this means is first the gaps between posts might continue through the remainder of the year. Second is soon I can guarantee a week, or two of constant posts. These constant one's will be offering up lots of cards, and other goodies that are taking up space in the hobby room. Be looking for these in the next couple weeks, and get ready to start saving everything from going to either Goodwill, or the recycle bin.

Enough about the absence, and onto more pressing things. A couple days before going on the guys weekend a bubble mailer made its way to the cat house. Opening it up it became obvious that the famous pirate Matthew from the even more famous blog 'Bob Walk The Plank' had been out collecting booty.

Nothing starts off a great treasure like finding some gold within. Ackley might be long gone, and wearing pinstripes these days, but I still gladly welcome this little bit of gold.

Gold wasn't the only thing found inside. A sweet autograph of Paxton who will hopefully flourish under the new coaching he will see next season. Matthew closed out the baseball cards with some pirate black, and a 5/5 Brendan Ryan.

Stunned by all this booty I was even more pleased to find not only a West Virginia Black Bears business card. There was two pocket schedules that just so happened to be the teams second cover for the year. I plan on collecting schedules for the Black Bears so starting off with both inaugural schedules was a sweet find.

Thank you so much Matthew for the booty, and sorry it has taken this long to tell you everything arrived safely. Don't make me walk the plank even if I deserve it.