Wednesday, July 8, 2015

#Kylecard Goes To Tillamook

As I write this I am currently on vacation, and hanging at the coast. This vacation started with the baseball game on Saturday. Then moved to the coast part of our journey on Sunday.

Other than the drive over nothing thrilling happened on Sunday. Monday was more of the same as we just hung out at the beach-house doing a whole lot of nothing. I did take the dog to the beach though so it wasn't a total waste.

Tuesday was a whole new story as I needed some cheese curds, and that means a trip north to Tillamook. Originally planned for Monday we changed plans to Tuesday. Waking up, and heading out to breakfast first we finally arrived at our destination.

For us no stop in Tillamook is complete without a trip to the Country Smoker for some jerky, and the very popular 2 feet long pepperoni sticks. At a cost of only one dollar they are definitely a must stop. Problem is we never leave with just the sticks, but a whole selection of other jerky as well. Looking at the smile on Kylecard he approves.

From there we headed of to the main event for this day trip.

Once again Kylecard approves, and probably wishes he wasn't a card. Bet he'd love to share in the spoils of this trip. There was a little bad news on this trip though. We usually get a scoop, or two of Tillamook ice cream. It looked like 80% of the people visiting the factory were in line for ice cream. That left me no choice, but to be part of the 20%, and pass.

I can't complain much as we did get the dog, and me four packages of cheese curds to share. There are also a few places here in town to get ice cream so no loss. Another bummer is I missed out on a chance to get a picture of Kylecard with the mini loaf VW inside. It was empty when we entered, and I passed. On the way out it had a line so it ended up being a lost opportunity.

Hopefully Kylecard will make another one, or two appearances as the Wednesday plan is the bay front, and Thursday a trip southbound. Who knows maybe he'll pop up in just droves doing whatever.

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