Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saturday Going Ons

Things got busy around here for the weekend starting Saturday morning. Wanting to get a head start on the room painting I got up, went and got paint, then came home to get straight to work. Sadly the painting isn't going as planned, and might end up forcing me to do a much darker color than I originally wanted.

Completing the first coat we needed to go get the oil changed in the car next. This required a driver down to Eugene, and the dealership. No big deal, as I was going to see the Emeralds game that night anyway. More about that on Monday's planned posting.

Wanting to get out of the house the daughter went along, and needed to help kill three hours before the gates opened for the game. Her idea was to make a quick trip to Claire's, and the mall. My idea was to hit the card shop, and Goodwill. Deciding to make my two stops before hitting Claire's then the game. Off to the card shop we went. Coming away with only two cards for the player collections I still feel like this was a successful trip.

Nothing too spectacular here, but it is a new card for the Trout collection.

Another card that isn't spectacular, but fills a need. This card goes with all my other 2013 Bowman cards, and was one missing from the group.

I've been looking for it every time I stop in at a card shop or a card show hoping that one day it would pop up, and join the Rosario binder. Saturday was finally that day.

Spending some time chatting it up with the shop owner we made our way to Goodwill where I hit gold.

Logo baseball's have been this thing I have been collecting, and then slowed down my purchasing of drastically lately.  I have quite the large amount of these things, and thought until I get them all organized the buying of them should stop. A Disneyland fifty anniversary ball doesn't count in the purchase stop. We love Disney around here so this ball gets a pass.

Nothing too exciting followed as we did the mall thing, and then headed for the park. These three things though made for a good day of finds if you ask me, and I'm thrilled to be adding them.

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