Sunday, April 21, 2013

What The !!

After my trip to Seattle for a baseball game I came home with a nice variety of schedules for trading. Offering up what I had to the schedule trading group I got eight responses. One of those came from Dan who I've got a great trading relationship with. Over the years Dan, and myself have been hooking up each other with schedules, and when requested other goodies. Upon opening the envelope I did a What the?? when the first thing looking at me was this.


I know absolutely nothing about this card except it looks a few years old. Adding to the mystery is that every time Portland gets a soccer team they like to call the team Timbers. No matter what the level of play the team was in they have always been the Portland Timbers. If anyone out there knows about this card I'd love to hear what you know.

Included in the envelope was four schedules that made up the original trade.

1 comment:

  1. It's a sticker from the 1979 Topps NASL (North American Soccer League) Set.
