With the back still feeling the pain of spending the time at Bill's massive collection of boxes. I did the grazing thing which meant not stopping for long at any table. The longest stop was at the table loaded with the mascot cards. After the few minutes spent there the back started to revert back to the pain that forced me away from Bill's. As I began to leave only one table stood between me, and heading homeward. Thinking that it wouldn't put out much of a resistance I scanned, and was close to walking away. The curious person on me though couldn't help to look into a box full of these.
Ironically this was the first one I picked up out of the box. As I looked at the top card this was peeking at me.
Not long before the last post around here I bought some of these at a card show, and it got me reminiscing about building these as a kid. While I only bought these cards for a couple years around 1982 the idea popped into the old brain to build the entire run. This led to a huge wantlist that has been very slow running. Like a bunch of the sets or subsets in baseball I seem to be drawn too, these aren't something the masses collected.
I couldn't help, but ask what he wanted for each card. It took a couple minutes as he was deep in conversation, and took some time to even notice I was standing there. Which at 6'4" and 280lbs. I'm usually tough to miss. Honestly he's always at the shows I've gone to, and someone I pass by because of this. My problem was I couldn't leave this time without learning what he wanted for these cards.
Thinking the answer would be around a dollar or so each I was preparing to pick through the box, and get 5 or so at the most. Imagine when to my surprise the answer came "You can have the entire thing for 4 bucks?" To say reaching into the wallet for the cash was the fastest I'd moved all day would be an understatement.
As I write this all I know is the amount of cards in the box which will wait until the end of this post. For now how about we learn together what the grand total of each years cards?
Starting of the fun is 1979, and a a grand total of 23 cards. Included were only two doubles which isn't bad when you think this is a set that only takes 69 cards to complete. Not a bad way to kick things off when you think about the fact this is just short of 1/3 of a set.
Another of the larger batches of these cards the 1981 set got a 21 card hit that puts it at just under 1/4 of the 88 cards for a completed set.
With only the one card the 1978 comes in with what I think might be the ugliest of all the sets. While these aren't the prettiest of cards the yellow outline didn't help make them any prettier.
The two cards below come from the 1982 set, and was the first set of these I ever built. The original set has come, and gone with most the cards taking a beating before ending up who knows where.
In what is the most surprising find in the case is 11 of the 1977 set. The thing most surprising to me is I somehow either missed that these existed, or didn't put them on the wants because they are a kind of pipe-dream set. Having done the list over a year ago I can't remember which was the reasoning. Now neither of these matters as the set needs to make it on the wants in the future.
Closing out the amazing find is 24 cards from the year 1980. With only a single double the 23 remaining cards is a sweet hit towards completing this set of 70.
Overall the entire case was better than expected. When I bought it my original thought was it had cards for only a couple sets. Being able to hit six different sets, and not get left with a ton of doubles is an even bigger bonus. At the same time a slight disappointment comes with that as the hope was for a near completed set inside.The potpourri of sets more than makes up for that though.
Even better is when you add everything up the case included 85 cards, and at just under a nickel per card is a big win. Now I'll be spending a portion of today organizing the binder these go in, and removing the additions from the wants. Hopefully this all leads to completing atleast one of these sets in the very near future. From there the mission of finding the nearly impossible to find stickers will become the next goal on these.