Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Artelopes- Altoona Curve

Just over one week ago I sent out two new artelopes in hopes of getting business cards for the collection. On Monday one of the two made it back home.


As you can see my artwork has suffered a bit from lack of practice. While it was decent I have to admit it wasn't my best work. Currently I have three more envelopes in need of artwork before being sent off. Maybe I should get to work on these, and prepare more for mailing in the next few weeks. With all but the short season teams with schedules out already I am way behind. In return I got back pocket schedules, but no business card which was the reason for this mailing.

I have to admit it is a decent looking schedule in appearance. As I said earlier the reason I wrote the team was for a business card, so this is a disappointment. I was hoping to update the collection as the Curve became an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates this season. The lack of a business card wasn't a surprise as the Curve were one of the tougher cards to get originally. Throw in the new affiliation, as Pirates affiliates have always been tough for me.

Another part of this that is bumming me out. So far this year I have been shut out when it comes to updating the business card collection. Guess I'll have to try some other ideas, and see if it help turn things around.

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